The primary role of our School Based Health Nurse is to address concerns or problems about health and wellbeing, contribute to a supportive healthy school environment, and connect people to other support services outside of the school when needed.
The School Based Youth Health Nurse Program places registered nurses, employed by Queensland Health, in state high school settings to work with students, their families and school staff for healthier school communities. The nurse can act as a support person at times when a young person has difficult issues to discuss with their family, and will assist the young person with seeking appropriate help from family or other supports, such as Guidance Officers, Doctors, Youth Workers, Chaplaincy or specialist counselling. Common issues that young people access the service for are health concerns, personal and family problems, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual health, healthy skin, feeling unhappy or stressed, puberty, healthy eating, exercise and weight information, getting in touch with the right service and anything that impacts on their feeling of health and wellbeing.
The service is generally kept confidential, except in cases where the young person is at risk of being hurt or hurting someone else. The School Health Nurse is also available to support teachers in classroom activities with a health focus, and become involved in school activities where there is a link with student health and wellbeing.
Students can make contact with the School Based Health Nurse via the Student Services team.