


In addition to physical education classes, students have the opportunity to play representative sport, at school level and beyond. North Rockhampton State High fields teams in such sports as cricket, netball, futsal, volleyball, basketball, rugby league, soccer, hockey and others. Most interschool sport is played outside of school hours.

Rockhampton District School Sports and Capricornia School Sports have updated the Consent form and nomination process for 2023 school sports. All RDSS and CAP sports are now on the same consent form and can be found on the CAP website: External link

Students representing the school in sporting or cultural activities in a district, regional, state or national level may apply to the P&C for financial support. If students would like to apply for the grant please complete the 'Student Success Grants and Bursaries' (PDF, 195 KB) application and submit the application to the P&C.

Last reviewed 16 May 2023
Last updated 16 May 2023