North Rockhampton State High School presents this year's school musical
Shrek - The Musical!
Musical rehearsals are in full swing with an excited cast and a dedicated team of teacher and parent helpers getting ready to bring Shrek- The Musical to the PAC stage on July 21st and 22nd. Tickets will go on sale on May 22nd from our school front office between 8.30am and 3.30pm on school days. Adults $20, High School $15, Primary School $10 and the under 5s are free. Be sure to get in quick and get a good seat. It's going to be a great show!

And that's a wrap for musical camp!
Our very talented and dedicated cast for Shrek the Musical worked very hard over the weekend. The weekend was jam-packed with dancing, singing and characterisation.
Thank you to our amazing musical team, Miss Carte, Miss Finn, Mrs Assay, Mrs Vea Vea and Mr Trezise for your time and work.
Thank you to the staff at the Capricorn Caves for hosting our school over the weekend.
Tickets to Shrek are available from the finance counter 8.30am to 3.30pm every day. Adults $20, High School $15, Primary School $10 and under 5s are free! Come along for a great fun night!
SHOW DATES ARE 21st and 22nd JULY!