It was with excitement that the FlexiSpace commenced at the start of Term 4 2020. Students are able to achieve success in core subject areas with a modified approach to learning. The FlexiSpace classroom provides opportunities for successful learning experiences and improve student attainment and success in learning through engaging curriculum and flexible pedagogy. All students within the FlexiSpace are loving the "chilled" environment and enjoying the varied learning experiences within the space.

The Flexi-Space and the Flexi Space teacher play a crucial role in the reengagement of these students. The teacher's professional responsibility is to provide a high-quality curriculum-driven education aligned with that of the student's peers and to deliver this through intentionally planned personalised approaches. This positive intervention to the student's current schooling has its ambition grounded in offering these students a more relationally based intensive support structure, similar to the primary pedagogy, in order to raise these students up, not just in terms of academic achievement, but in building up the whole-child such as their self-esteem and character. Improved grades are likely to be an outcome but they are not the most important factor.
The heart of this job, and of this teacher, is the aspiration of reigniting the student's passion for knowledge and learning; to build confidence, resilience and independence; to develop the student's interpersonal skills in order to function in, and contribute to, their mainstream classes, their families, their future workplace and their wider community and to instil a sense of hope that they can succeed. This is the big picture of the Flexi-Space teacher.

In designing our approach we have looked at relevant research, and consulted with other educators who have experience in working with young people who are disengaged. We are focussed on ensuring that the FlexiSpace model is truly inclusive and fits within the whole school approach to inclusivity. North Rockhampton State High School recognises the need to provide an alternative learning space that will:
- Provide opportunities for successful learning experiences and improve student attainment and success in learning
- Provide positive learning experiences to reconnect students who are at-risk of disengaging
- Develop students' sense of belonging with our school community while building relationships
- Provide structures, routines and develop positive academic and social habits.
We are focussed on improving academic outcomes for students and assisting them to make positive transitions back into mainstream classroom and to post-school destinations.