Latest news from QTAC
QTAC Applications are now open Applications for 2024 admissions opened Tuesday 1 August. This means, your students should already be planning their QTAC course preferences and getting organised to submit any supporting documents for their applications. If they have not done so already, they can start now by visiting Now is a great time to submit QTAC applications, to ensure the deadlines for courses with fixed closing dates are not missed. Check fixed closing dates here.
Hot tips for a successful QTAC Application Like you, we love to see our applicants receiving an offer for their dream course.
To help support your hard work and dedication to ensure your students get to where they want to go, we have compiled a list that breaks down from start to finish, key steps and tips for those steps in the application process. ATAR Portal registrations now open All Queensland Year 12 students should register now in the ATAR Portal to be able to receive their ATAR in December.
Queensland ATARs for 2023 Year 12 students will be released into the portal on Friday 15 December.
If your students are planning on applying for courses, they will also need to submit a QTAC application.
Students wishing to apply interstate will also be required to register for the ATAR portal to provide us with the necessary consent for us to share their ATAR with interstate Tertiary Admissions Centres.
Before registering for the portal, students will need the following information:
- Full name (as shown on QCAA Leaning Account)
- Date of Birth (DD, MM, YYYY)
- LUI number
- Personal email address
We are pleased to see that there has been over 6,248 ATAR Portal registrations so far this admissions year. Please keep encouraging your students to register for the ATAR portal, if eligible.
Latest News from QCAA
External assessment 2023 External assessment guide for Year 12 students The 2023 External assessment guide for Year 12 students is now available on the myQCE website. It includes details of what will be tested, the equipment students need, plus tips to help them prepare.